1st GPF Global Ports Leadership Program, 20-24 Mar, 2022, Shangri-La Dubai Sawsan Room, UAE. Intensive. Small Group.
GPF Global Ports Leadership Program, 20-24 Mar, 2022, Dubai, UAE. Intensive. Small Group.
Exclusive. The GPF Global Ports Leadership Program, 20-24 Mar, 2022, Dubai, UAE. Intensive. Small Group.

Dear industry colleagues,

This five days Global Ports Leadership program is structured to provide a holistic perspective for the leaders in Ports and Terminals industry, in order to ensure inter disciplinary and inclusive approach while leading the organization as per defined mission and objectives.
Significance and relevance of the Leadership program
This five days leadership program aims to rekindle awareness among the leaders in Ports and Terminals – authorities, developers, operators, financers, shipping companies, ports and logistics service providers, port consultants, other allied industries and services; about their own strategic roles and significant contribution as leaders in successful functioning and performance of their respective organizations.
All the stake holders and partners of the Ports / Terminals community and eco-system look upon the leaders to set up pragmatic vision and mission for the organization; analyse the past, present and emerging environmental trends; Chart out the course to lead the organization through the challenges posed by technological, economical, geopolitical, trade & transactional as well as structural changes in the industry. The leaders are also expected to provide dynamic strategic inputs to deal with these complex challenges and provide tools and support to put the strategies in to action. Considering long term interest of the organization, successful leaders encourage policy initiatives of Creativity and Innovation leading to Business Excellence. Leaders need to be critical to the success of any group’s long-term innovation strategy. The leaders’ role is to ensure that innovation is consistently pursued and their employees don’t settle into business as usual. They set the tone for what is, and is not, possible in the business through their attention and action. In today’s knowledge economy the importance of creativity and innovation is very clear and therefore this Leadership program, assigns a great importance to these aspects.
Leaders in ports/terminals are also expected to build organization that delivers high performance in terms of financial results and other objectives to meet expectations of different stakeholders. This program makes basic reference to concept of Balanced Score Card, its applicability to ports/terminals industry and how the BSC helps leaders to implement strategy in to action.
PROGRAM DETAILS (Daily 9.00am to 5.00pm)
Analysis of global events, Market Dynamics, technological, economical, geopolitical, trade & transactional as well as structural changes in the industry; which are shaping the Ports / Terminals business. Different strategies which can be adopted to deliver desired performance level as per organization’s vision, mission, objectives and goals.
Under the existing and emerging business environment, leaders need to develop strategies to lead the organization through encouragement of creativity and innovation. Basic starting point to successfully lead the business is to define fundamental business drivers and extent of their impact. For ports and terminals, the major business drivers are shipping and ocean freight markets, resource distribution& industries locations as well as globalization of commodity trades and supply chains. Understanding past, current and emerging trends in each business driver and factors impacting these drivers, lead to new opportunities for ports and terminals. Identification of such opportunities and preparing actionable strategy to capitalise on these opportunities is the main role of a successful leader.
Group discussions and case studies of top international terminal operators like PSA and DP World would highlight importance of creativity and innovation in developing strategies for dealing with emerging trends in ports/terminals industry.
Leading the organization to sustainable development, for a larger section of stakeholders which include not only financial investors but also NGOs, environmentalists, vendors, regulators and authorities, customers and most importantly employees, with varying demands and expectations. Using Unique Value Proposition of Ports and Terminals, the leader needs to inculcate customer-centric mindset among the members of the organization. Revisiting concepts of corporate and business strategy, finance and investment, strategic marketing and business development, human resource development, business processes and business excellence in context of ports and terminals industry; helps the leaders to develop a balanced organization structure.
Understanding the customer, customer classification, customer perspectives, value proposition in ports and terminals, development of Unique Selling Proposition as a dynamic process enables the leaders to understand direction and extent of customers’ value migration. In the present information explosion age, customers are better informed than ever before and ports/terminals, as service providers have to find innovative solutions for customers’ logistics value propositions. In order to stay ahead, Leaders of ports/terminals need to consider focus areas of innovation beyond technology, particularly those which add value to customers.
Group discussions and case studies of leading port/terminal organizations – APM Terminals and DP World would be used to introduce practical application of these concepts for Ports and Terminal industry.
Creativity and innovation in Line and service functions in ports and terminals – Operations, Marketing & Customer Service, Financing, Human Resources, Engineering, IT & instrumentation, logistics, Fire & Safety/security, Administration and services.
Leadership through innovative financing and managing finances with different options including Public Private Partnership for building Ports / Terminals infrastructure, Innovations in operations for world class performance standards and delivering best in class value for customers are major factors to achieve sustainable growth.
Development of human resources and organization for coherent functioning for common objectives of the organization, designing structure and control, creating high performance teams and designing appropriate incentive systems, would be covered under HR leadership role.
In the new generation ports/terminals, the most efficient would be in a position to sustain their business. While world class infrastructure, superstructure, technology and system are essential tools for efficiency; the actual service delivery is consistently performed by motivated high performance teams responsible for operating the equipment and systems.
Group discussions and case studies of leading regional and international ports/terminals would demonstrate the role of leadership in bench marking the standards of operations and customer services for competitive advantage.
Leadership and Balanced Score Card for Ports and Terminals: Effective leaders deliver quality performance, consistently. They have this magic quality of creating a sense of urgency and managing change smoothly. The Balanced Score Card works by assisting companies stay relevant, it helps translate and implement strategic objectives. Developing a Balance Score Card requires that a balance be attained and maintained between opportunity and risk, opportunity to create more value perceived by the customers. Leaders in ports/terminals need to understand what the markets and customers expect in present and future and focus in developing customer centric services. Economies of scale by deploying larger vessels over past few decades and creating infrastructure, superstructure and suitable operating systems in ports and terminals for consistent performance in order to achieve minimum Total Logistics Costs are the Customer perspective in development of BSC. It provides the basis for sound leadership.
BSC focuses on four main perspectives of business. The Financial Perspective – quantified expectations of stakeholders; Customer perspective – customers make financial performance possible. Balanced Scorecards tell you the knowledge, skills and systems that your employees will need (learning and growth) to innovate and build the right strategic capabilities and efficiencies (internal processes) that deliver specific value to the market (customer) which will eventually lead to higher shareholder value (financial). BSC helps in aligning the scorecard components from Goal to Objective, Objective to Measurement, Measurement to Target and Target to Initiative.
Case study of multi dimensional port will be used to discuss implementation of BSC and development of strategic roadmap putting strategy in to action plans and implementation.
Creating and leading a future ready port/terminal organization: Past two decades in the ports/terminals industry have witnessed emergence of a number of global ports/terminals operators. A common trait amongst these highly successful operators is the ability of their leadership to lead their organizations in to future. International operators PSA, Hutchison Ports, DP World, APM Terminals, Terminal Investments, China Merchant Ports and similar could successfully identify opportunities through world-wide locations and convert those to multi location business operations through focused strategies and putting them in action.
Leading the change and ushering the organization in to uncharted waters of future requires building committed performers. Top management and team leaders need to constantly look for new options and challenge inertia. In addition to being ready for technological disruptions like automated terminal operations, Artificial Intelligence, Block-chain enabled transactions and drone technology, it is of even greater importance to motivate the teams to implement the technologies through effective conflict management, negotiations and conflict resolution. While a number of international PPP frameworks provide a transparent legal and policy framework to avoid these disputes, challenges of dispute resolutions and resulting strikes still prevail in some areas. Strategies to motivate the employees through monetary and non-monitory incentives including innovative reporting and Key Performance Indices measuring systems, are implemented in a number of successful ports/terminals.
At the end of the 5 days training program, each participant will be given a topic on ports / terminal industry. Participants would be required to prepare a project report and submit the same within a period of 3 months for critical evaluation and review by the course director, who will award suitable grade to each participant as per contents and quality of the project report.
ELIGIBILITY FOR CERTIFIED GLOBAL PORTS MANAGER (CGPM) for participants of Global Ports Leadership Program
CGPM program is governed by a Qualification Review Board (QRB) which comprises leading international experts from Ports and Terminals industry and academicians. Upon satisfying the criteria and requirements of the QRB and subject to the level of competency and responsibility, successful participants will be permitted to undertake the 5 days Global Ports Leadership program. On completion of the 5 days leadership program, participants will prepare a submit a project report. On approval of the project report by the QRB, the participants will be awarded the CGPM title. CGPM holders are entitled to use the title of CGPM in recognition of their competence.
PROGRAM DIRECTORS (subject to final confirmation)
Capt Vikram Sharma
Capt. Vikram Sharma was the Chief Executive Officer of Terminal Investment Limited Sarl from 2008 to 2018. Terminal Investment Limited (TIL) is the terminal/port investment branch of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC). In 2013 Capt Sharma was responsible for successfully arranging a minority stake sale (35%) to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) with MSC owning the balance majority stake. TIL invests in and manages around 50 container terminals, either wholly owned or in Joint Venture with other leading Global Terminal Operators, all over the world. Capt Sharma reported to the Board of Directors, overall responsibility for creating, planning, implementing and integrating the strategic direction of the organization, with a view to creating shareholder value.
During his tenure at TIL, Mr. Sharma held a seat on boards of various subsidiary and joint venture terminals spread over the world or responsible for nominating colleagues to various terminal board positions. Set up the full management structure of TIL between Sept 2008 and May 2009 and more than tripled number of terminals under ownership/joint venture and management of Terminal Investment Limited from 14 in 2009 to 50 in 2018.
Capt Sharma was responsible for leading the team in designing, constructing and managing several terminals around the world from greenfield/brownfield sites to profit making ventures including Smelte Klaipedos – Klaipeda, Lithuania; Lome Container Terminal – Lome, Togo; Adani International Container Terminal Pvt Ltd – Mundra, India (JV with Adani); Fos XL – Fos Marseille, France (JV with APMT); National Container Terminal – King Abdullah econ. City, S. Arabia (JV with IPM); Asya Port – Tekirdag, Turkey; Brazil Terminal Portuario – Santos, Brazil (later sold 50% shares to APMT).
He had full P&L responsibility for group terminals. He substantially grew group EDITDA from around USD150 million in 2009 to more than USD750 million (TIL share). Overall container moves in excess of 40 million with revenue in excess of USD3 billion (TIL share). Direct Reports – heads of Operational, Financial, Treasury, Legal, Engineering, Risk Management and Internal Audit Departments. Capt. Sharma was nominated as amongst the top 10 Most Influential Persons in the Container Terminal Industry by Lloyds List for 2016~2018.
From Mar 2006 to Aug 2008, Capt. Sharma was the Managing Director, Mediterranean Shipping Company Nigeria Ltd. Overall Responsibilities included Designing structure of Organization for setting up independent Agency office in Lagos, Nigeria; Preparation of Position Descriptions for all staff and setting work procedures in place; Selection, Recruiting and Training of staff including Senior management and Set up full Agency with around 50 employees and doubled business in a short period of two years.
From year 2000 to 2016, Capt. Vikram Sharma had excelled in his long career at P&O Ports Group.
From Aug 2003 to Feb 2006, Capt. Sharma was Director Operations, South Asia & M. East Region, P&O Ports Pvt. Ltd. Mr Sharma was reporting directly to Regional Director, P&O Ports Pvt Ltd with overall Operations responsibility for South Asia & Middle East Region container terminals, namely – In INDIA, Nhava Sheva International Container Terminal Ltd (NSICT), Chennai Container Terminal Ltd (CCT) and Mundra International Container Terminal Ltd (MICT). In PAKISTAN, Qasim International Container Terminal (QICT); In SRI LANKA, South Asia Gateway Terminal Ltd (SAGT)
His overall responsibilities included Business Development and New Projects, Financial modeling of projects to assess feasibility in conjunction with Business Development Director and provide recommendations to London Corporate Office. Dealings with various Ministries (Shipping, Railways, Commerce), Govt. bodies (Customs, CONCOR, Port Authorities etc) and Trade Bodies and Associations with respect to new projects and related issues. Operational and Financial Review of the performance of all terminals within South Asia and Middle East. Recommending and initiating implementation of operational strategies for improving productivity and efficiency of the various sites. Reviewing Terminal Processes and layouts and recommending design changes for existing and future sites. Initiating, implementing and reviewing staff/labour policies, compensation packages and incentive schemes; Establishing, monitoring and reviewing Key Performance Indicators at sites; Working closely with site CEOs to implement recommended policies and Maintaining close contacts with Shipping Lines, vessel operators, container freight station operators, shippers and consignees and their respective Trade Associations to ensure customer needs are identified, understood and met.
Capt. Sharma is a Member of the Regional Team tasked with design input and review of the new Terminal Operating System (an ERP system being developed by Tata Consultancy services at Hyderabad) to be deployed at all P&O Ports terminals around the world. Preparation and review of annual budgets and five year business plans for all terminals in the region.
From Mar 2000 to Aug 2003, Capt Sharma was the Manager – Quality, Occupational Health & Safety, Environment (QHSE) and Training for P&O Ports South Asia and Middle East region.
From 1998 to 2000, Capt. Vikram Sharma was the General Manager, Safety & Quality Assurance with Tanker Pacific Management in Singapore. From 1993 to 1998 Capt Sharma Joined ABS Marine Services, Inc. in Singapore in the Management Systems Department as Senior Surveyor, rising to eventually head the department for the Asia Pacific Region. From 1991 to 1993 Called ashore and designated Senior Superintendent with Neptune Shipmanagement Services, Singapore and tasked with setting up the Company’s Safety and Audit Department. Responsible for getting tanker vessels through Oil Major inspections.
1971 to 1991, Capt Sharma was sailing. He started his sailing career in 1971 and from 1983 till 1991 sailed as Chief Officer (one year) and Master on bulk carriers, container vessels and tankers with Neptune Shipmanagement Services Pte. Ltd. (Singapore).
Since Capt Sharma’s retirement from TIL in Mar 2018, he is active in various consultancy and advisory roles in the container terminal industry.
Francis Aurol
Francis Aurol is a port professional with over 35 years of strong practical knowledge and experience as senior lead manager and consultant in ports/terminals, shipping, inland transportation (truck and rail), supply chain logistics and marine services in many countries handling containers, general cargoes, dry bulks, neo bulks and liquid cargoes, hazardous and non-hazardous.
He started his career in 1970 and spent ten years in the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) culminating as Traffic Manager a senior management position in charge of one of the gateways in the port. Thereafter, successfully lead managed and acted as consultant for ports, terminals, shipping and supply chain logistics in Singapore, South East Asia, Hongkong, India, Middle East and Africa.
Francis has been project manager and super user for many IT based Management and Operations Projects in ports and terminals internationally which involved mapping and defining business processes, information systems with double stack approach collaborating with major IT companies such as Tata Consulting Services. Prepared SOP Manuals for ports/terminals. Carried out business development for new terminal acquisitions and technical and feasibility studies for many port/terminal prospects internationally for enterprises such as PSA Corporation and Pacific Basin Shipping, Hongkong. Headed for 8 years a network of shipping agency offices with country General Managers in South East Asia and Hongkong and jointly launched a new feeder service in SEA. Special experience and knowledge accumulated over these years to bridge business processes between ports and terminals as intermodal gateway, transshipment port, hub port with external stakeholder partners like Shipping Lines, Agents & Brokers, 3PLs, 4PLs, ICDs, Rail Operators, Land bridge Operators and Inland Haulers over large hinterlands.
He graduated from the University of Singapore in 1969 and a Certified Management Consultant by the Institute of Management Consultant (Spore/UK) in 2003 and a Certified Practicing Management Consultant by the PMC Board, Singapore in 2009.
Thomas Ng
Thomas Ng has over 25 years of training & consulting experience in the ports and shipping industry – in developing innovative solutions for players within the ports & shipping industry, — in areas of planning & redesign, customer services and business operations; and delivering results.
He is the present Chairman of The Global Ports Forum (GPF). Since 2008, Thomas founded and launched the GPF, a platform where all ports stakeholders in the ecosystem- port customers, port authorities, port operators, port people, port suppliers & service providers are gathered together to discuss about issues furthering the interests of ports globally.
Thomas is proven and well-respected in the ports & shipping circles — recognized for his in-depth industry knowledge and far-reaching personal industry network and linkages.
Thomas is invited regularly as speaker & facilitator at Ports conferences, roundtable and executive workshops. He spoke recently at Transport Intelligence 2013 Infrastructure panel, together with senior executives from World Bank & UPS, Container Depot Association Singapore Conference 2014 on ports and infrastructure, Tank Storage Conference in 2015 and Roundtable on Smart ports & ships and Internet of Things in Jun 2016.
On a professional level, Thomas is a Chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Singapore since 2001. He is also a Board Member of the Local Branch of Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport for over 16 years.
On or Before 20 Jan 2022: The ‘Early Bird’ Rate is USD7395.00 – Save USD600!
Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD 7395.00!
From 21 Jan 2022: The Regular Rate is USD 7995.00
Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD7995.00!
Note: All fees stated include luncheons, refreshments and complete set of documentation. It does not include the cost of accommodation, visa fees and travel.
Register Now!
To register, please submit the following details to thomasng@globalportsforum.com:
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Billing information:
For cheque payments: To be made payable to ‘Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd.’ Please do not send post-dated cheque.
For telegraphic transfers:
Account Name: Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd.,
Account No. : 695 477 141 001.
Beneficiary Bank: Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, Singapore. (Swift: OCBCSGSG),
Address : 65 Chulia Street #01-00, OCBC Centre, Singapore 049513.
Please supply confirmation via email of the TT from your bank. Transmitting bank charges must be paid by sender. Please quote both delegate and company name as reference.
Kindly note that as we are providing a special rate for ‘early bird’ sign up, we will need to receive your company payment by 21 Jan 2022 to enjoy the discount.
Look forward to welcoming you at the Global Ports Leadership executive programme!
Kind regards
Thomas Ng
The Global Ports Forum

10 Anson Road
International Plaza
Singapore 079903
Website: www.globalportsforum.com/
Mobile: +65 9684 3289
DID: +65 65197662
Fax: +65 6725 8438
Email: thomasng@globalportsforum.com
Terms & Conditions:
No delegate registration will be accepted without completing registration details and full payment.
Upon receipt of your registration details and full payment, further programme information will be emailed to you including your proforma invoice and, if required, a letter of invitation for entry visa application.
Delegates will not be admitted unless payment has been received in Full.
Flights, Airport Transfers and Accommodation are not included in your delegate registration fee.
Refund Policy – a reimbursement of the registration fee, minus administrative charges will only be made if the participant has notified Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd. in writing that he/she is unable to attend the event no less than 45 days prior to the commencement of the event. No cancellation is allowed after that, but a replacement with another participant is allowed.
This programme is subject to change without notice, E&O.E.