Gordon Chang: China’s Rise (and America’s Fall) Just Won’t Happen. Here’s Why. | The National Interest
Sunday, October 14th, 2018Gordon Chang: China’s Rise (and America’s Fall) Just Won’t Happen. Here’s Why. | The National Interest
Gordon Chang: China’s Rise (and America’s Fall) Just Won’t Happen. Here’s Why. | The National Interest
As Russia pivots to the east, trade with China is booming www.rt.com/business/441099-russia-china-trade-growth/
Gordon Chang: China’s Rise (and America’s Fall) Just Won’t Happen. Here’s Why. | The National Interest
Chinese tech giant Huawei unveils A.I. chips, taking aim at giants like Qualcomm and Nvidia – www.cnbc.com/2018/10/10/huawei-unveils-ai-chips-taking-aim-at-giants-like-qualcomm-and-nvidia.html
China-built Sri Lanka ‘Port City’ aims to lure Indian investors | Economynext
Wee: Mahathir’s China visit a failure, may upset Beijing
Dow rises more than 100 points after report Trump and Xi hope to discuss trade in November – Dow rises more than 100 points after report Trump and Xi hope to discuss trade in November –
Japan shifts focus of its development assistance to Indo-Pacific
“China revs up spending plan as economy cools, investment growth at record low” – uk.reuters.com/article/uk-china-economy-activity/china-revs-up-spending-plan-as-economy-cools-investment-growth-at-record-low-idUKKBN1KZ053
“China revs up spending plan as economy cools, investment growth at record low”