Dubai to host the 4th GPF, 21-22 Feb 18 at Grand Hyatt Dubai Al Dar Room. Register Today! Superb Content, Excellent Networking & Trusted GPF Platform.

An invitation to register and participate at the 4th Global Ports Forum, at Grand Hyatt Dubai Al Dar Room. from 21-22 Feb 2018
Dear <<First Name>>
It is indeed our pleasure to invite you to consider this unique opportunity to participate at the 4th Global Ports Forum Dubai UAE from 21-22 Feb 18.
Key topics of the Forum may include:
- Port Strategy & Developments –
Trade Outlook, Shipping Trends (Alliances, Markets, Deployment, Cascading, Demand, Mega-trends, etc) and Port Economics; Recent Port Developments
Terminal design and right sizing (the balance between OpEx and CapEx); Terminal management (avoiding congestion, handling peaks and surges, off-schedule vessels, mega vessels, Alliance complexities);
Additional ports/terminal value adding services and proposition bundling
- Port Automation –
Handling Automation (trends, evolution versus revolution); Big Data; IoT; Cloud Technologies
- Port Finance –
PPP; Port Financing Best Practices, Ports M&A, Ports IPO, etc
- Port Efficiency –
Optimising Vessel Traffic Management (IT, Systems, Processes, best practices); Ensuring port Safety and Security (risks, threats, best practices, sharing, partnerships); Port master planning (right sizing for future demand); Terminal productivity (what is required and how can it be achieved); Terminal service differentiation (creating true competitive advantages, avoiding commoditisation); Terminal landside interface (Shippers and truckers requirements, Automation, Data exchange and security, Truck appointment systems)
Draft Agenda as of today is as follows:
4th Dubai Global Ports Forum, Grand Hyatt Dubai Al Dar Room, 21-22 Feb 2018 Draft Agenda
On or Before 21 Dec 2017: The ‘Early Bird’ Rate is USD3095 – Save USD600!
Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD3095!
From 22 Dec 2017: The Regular Rate is USD3495
Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD3495!
Note: All fees stated include luncheons, and refreshments. It does not include the cost of accommodation and travel.
To register, please submit the following details to
What Best Describes Your Industry Sector?:
Billing information:
For cheque payments: To be made payable to ‘Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd.’ Please do not send post-dated cheque.
For telegraphic transfers:
Account Name: Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd.,
Account No. : 695 477 141 001.
Beneficiary Bank: Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, Singapore. (Swift: OCBCSGSG),
Address : 65 Chulia Street #01-00, OCBC Centre, Singapore 049513.
Please supply confirmation via email of the TT from your bank. Transmitting bank charges must be paid by sender. Please quote both delegate and company name as reference.
Kindly note that as we are providing a special rate for ‘early bird’ sign up, we will need to receive your company payment by 21 Dec 2017 to enjoy the discount.
We are pleased to attach the training calendar till end 2018 for your planning:-
Details of GPF forthcoming executive workshops/forums are available on our website at below link:
Forthcoming Exe. Wkshps & Forums
Details of GPF PAST executive workshops/forums are available on our website at below link:
Past Events
We look forward to welcoming to our Global Ports Forums & Executive Workshops!
Kind regards
Thomas Ng
The Global Ports Forum

10 Anson Road
International Plaza
Singapore 079903
DID: +65 65197662
Fax: +65 6725 8438
Terms & Conditions:
No delegate registration will be accepted without completing registration details and full payment.
Upon receipt of your registration details and full payment, further programme information will be emailed to you including your proforma invoice and, if required, a letter of invitation for entry visa application.
Delegates will not be admitted unless payment has been received in Full.
Flights, Airport Transfers and Accommodation are not included in your delegate registration fee.
Cancellation – No cancellation is allowed, but a replacement with another participant is allowed.
This programme is subject to change without notice, E&O.E. |